Success Story of Laishram Rajesh Singh
Jack of all, now master in Kouna handicraft marketing, Shri Rajesh practiced many business initiatives to earn a living with his family, now he sees a clear success path with Manipur Mapari. His association with EIACP Hub, Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Government of Manipur as organiser of GSDP paved an easier carrier of marketing Kouna handicraft products.
His acquaintances with Manipur Mapari have ushered a ray of hope to advance his marketing career and he is heading for Dilli Haat with my team.
He is hopeful to capturing market throughout the mainland India instead of providing products to few monopoly traders and marketers. He is a big organiser in my mission, his Rajesh Enterprises plays a key role in a cohesive effort of popularising Kouna handicraft ecosystem-based business.